Your body after birth
Updated November 2022 | 5 min read
Expert contributor Kiara Horwood, physiotherapist
Words by Karen Burge
There are many changes you’ll experience with your body after birth. Here are some of the most common postnatal changes and tips for moving forward.
Having a baby is one of those times when you discover your body is truly amazing. Your relationship with yourself and your body after birth will change over time.
But adjusting to your changed body after growing, nourishing and bringing your baby into the world can be a slow process. Each body is different; and the way your body responds to pregnancy and childbirth will be different, too.
Your recovery time is likely to be influenced by your health and fitness before falling pregnant, your pregnancy and birth history, the type of delivery you’ve had and the weight of your baby at birth.
For the first six weeks after birth, focus on rest and recovery, as much as possible.
“It’s important to balance activity with rest, as parenting is exhausting work and full physical recovery can take many months,” says Kiara Horwood who works as a physiotherapist specialising in pelvic health.

What happens to your body after birth?
Pelvic floor weakness
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments that support the bladder, bowel and uterus. After having a baby, it isn’t uncommon to leak urine by accident if you laugh, cough or sneeze.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) says pelvic floor exercises can help prevent this and should be continued beyond the postpartum period.
Kiara adds that some women may be aware of an initial heaviness or pressure in the vagina that resolves as their pelvic floor muscles re-strengthen.
“It’s quite common to have an increased stretch in pelvic ligaments and other soft tissues in the walls of the vagina which may explain this sensation. However, sometimes this can lead to pelvic organ prolapse [when either the uterus, bladder or rectum move to protrude into the vagina or press against the wall of the vagina].”
If you experience these symptoms and don’t see an improvement after three months, see your doctor or midwife for advice.
Stretch marks
These red and silvery lines are most commonly formed in the third trimester of pregnancy, explains the Australasian College of Dermatologists, and are thought to be caused by hormonal changes and weight gain.
“The majority of stretch marks will improve over time, changing colour from red-purple to pink, then finally achieving a white wrinkled appearance.”
If your stretch marks really bother you speak to your doctor or dermatologist about treatment options.
Abdominal separation
"It’s very common to have some abdominal muscle thinning and separation after pregnancy, and it can vary in severity from one woman to the next", says Kiara.
“Recovery of these muscles can occur naturally as long as you’re not pushing your body with heavy lifting or straining, or returning to high-level exercise too early.”
If you’re worried about the extent of your abdominal separation, or the healing process, ask your GP to refer you to a women’s health physiotherapist.
Mastitis occurs when a blocked milk duct hasn’t cleared. Some of the milk banked up behind the blocked duct can be pushed into nearby breast tissue, causing inflammation and often pain, explains the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA).
Early symptoms can make you feel as though you’re getting the flu, and your breast will be sore, usually red, hot to touch and swollen. If you think you have mastitis, the ABA recommends starting the following treatment right away:
- rest
- keep the sore breast as empty as possible by feeding your baby often (your milk is safe to drink)
- apply warmth to the sore breast for up to a few minutes before a feed
- feed from the sore breast first
- massage the breast gently while your baby feeds
- change feeding positions to help shift the blockage
- hand express if needed
- apply cold packs after a feed to relieve pain/reduce swelling.
If your symptoms don’t improve after 12 to 24 hours if you’re feeling very unwell, see your GP as you may need medication, like antibiotics. You can also reach out to a lactation consultant or find a breastfeeding clinic to help with mastitis.
Painful sex
For a while after childbirth, you may have little interest in sex. Physical recovery, exhaustion, body consciousness and hormonal changes can often affect sexual desire, according to RANZCOG.
“It’s important to avoid sexual intercourse until you feel comfortable. Your body needs time to heal after childbirth … it’s normal to take weeks, even months, before you’re ready to have sex.”
It’s a good idea to talk with your partner about your feelings, concerns and expectations. Your GP can provide advice if you have ongoing concerns.
Pregnancy weight gain
Your body has gone through a lot of change and it’s important to be kind to yourself. Kiara says that after six weeks, you should feel stronger and can start gentle exercise.
“Walking is usually the best exercise to start with for most women as it’s low impact and gives new parents and their bubs the chance to get out of the house and into the fresh air,” she says.
“Returning to more vigorous or high impact exercise, such as running or sport, is best done slowly.”
Hair loss
If you notice you’re losing hair, don’t be alarmed. Pregnancy hormones prevent your normal rate of hair loss. After your baby’s born, your hormones will start to rebalance and that’s when you’ll start shedding hair again. How noticeable this varies between women.
The Skin Health Institute says telogen effluvium – the excessive shedding of hair – can happen one to six months after pregnancy and affects between 40% to 50% of women.
If you’re concerned about hair loss in the longer term speak to your doctor to ensure there isn’t another cause.
Taking care of your body after birth
Postpartum care is important for women to recover and adjust to motherhood. While some new mothers can find this a joyous time, it’s very normal to experience baby blues or postpartum depression during this period. Here are some tips that may help:
- eat a balanced diet to promote healing. This is good for you and the baby especially if you are breastfeeding
- try light exercise or low impact exercises like walking. This can help with your mood and energy levels
- reach out and accept help from family and friends. While your body is healing, your loved ones can offer practical help around the house or do errands for you.
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