Donna Hay’s simple chia pudding pots


Donna Hay’s simple chia pudding pots

This chia pudding recipe from Donna Hay’s Basics to Brilliance Kids makes for a great breakfast, snack or dessert.

Makes 4.


  • 1/4 cup white chia seeds
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 2 tbs coconut cream
  • 2 tbs maple syrup


  1. Place the chia, coconut water, coconut cream and maple syrup in a large jug and mix to combine, using a whisk. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes or overnight (the longer you chill your pudding, the thicker it becomes).
  2. Spoon the pudding into jars or cups and top with some extra coconut cream and a drizzle of maple syrup to serve, if you like.

For choc-coco chia pudding pots, add 2 tablespoons sifted raw cacao or cocoa powder and an extra 1 tablespoon maple syrup to the jug in step 1 and whisk to combine, before refrigerating.

This is an edited extract from Basics to Brilliance Kids by Donna Hay (Fourth Estate, $45).


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