How to choose the best type of exercise for you
Updated June 2024 | 5 min read
Expert contributors Beth Sheehan, exercise physiologist; Kurt Vogel, exercise scientist and sports performance coach
Words by Health Agenda team
From people player to weekend warrior, knowing your exercise style is the key to enjoying your workouts and sticking to your routine.
While Aussies are living longer, we could be ageing better. According to a recent survey from Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA), 78% of us fail to do enough exercise.
Research has shown that exercise improves quality of life for everyone. “We need to think about how we can make exercise a lifelong journey,” says Beth Sheehan, an accredited exercise physiologist.
Sadly, a recent study even found that the number of Aussies participating in sport and doing exercises has dropped in recent years. The most common barriers to exercising more regularly were poor health or injury and not enough time, but exercise experts say lack of enjoyment is often the unspoken reason for not exercising.
While you can't do a lot about your to-do list or the school run, you can find the type of exercise that works best for you.

Which exercise should I do?
The first step, says Beth, is looking at your exercise history. “In the past when you exercised and felt really good, what sort of exercise were you doing? If you’re doing gym work and hating it, maybe you need to be looking for less structured exercise, like rock climbing or dancing.”
Identifying how you like to work out is the key to sticking at it long term, says Kurt Vogel, an exercise scientist and sports performance coach in Brisbane. “Discovering a program that suits you is a very individualised process,” she says. “Talk to an exercise professional to help you establish your fitness goals.”
Most of us should aim for 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (brisk walking, gardening, housework) or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise (jogging, swimming laps, many organised sports) every week. Beth says you can also aim for a mix of both in sessions (of at least 10 minutes), plus two to three sessions of strength training each week. And it doesn't need special equipment.
“It can be fun,” says Beth. Hula hooping or jumping on the trampoline with the kids is still exercise. So is running an obstacle course in the backyard, or chasing your kids. Being physical shouldn’t be seen as a task. It’s about bringing the fun back into it.”
To find your fun again, find which exercise type best suits your personality. It might be one, or a mix, or even change depending on your stage of life.
“One way isn’t necessarily better than another,” says Beth. “What matters is finding exercise you enjoy and that keeps you motivated.”
What kind of exerciser are you?
The people player
Nothing beats exercising with friends. They bring out the best in you and you're happy to try most things if it's in their company. They don't just guilt you out of the house for footy on a wet day, friends who exercise alongside you can help your mental wellbeing too, says Beth.
Best for you: Team sport, Zumba classes and bootcamp are a natural fit. Beth also suggests events that include the family like joining a local run club.
The solo flyer
You want nothing more than to switch off from the outside world. You're happy to compete only against yourself – exercise is a precious piece of 'me time' you can take when it suits you, not others.
Best for you: The pool or jogging are the obvious choice, but you can make a success of any style of exercise. If you’re just starting a program, Beth says don’t go it alone. “See an exercise professional once a week for the first few weeks to develop a good technique.” Then check in as needed to change up your routine and keep challenging yourself. If that's not possible, use a good online exercise program to guide you.
The A grader
You're a driven type A and want short, sharp sessions where you can achieve your goals as efficiently as possible. You have the “mindset of an athlete,” says Kurt, and you don't like to back down from a challenge, even if it hurts you.
Best for you: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) methods (usually based on 45-second rotations), burn a lot of energy and combine interval, cardiovascular and strength training. Balance is key as people who are very driven can overtrain. “If you’re doing two high-intensity exercise classes a week, combine it with a yoga-based session for lower intensity,” says Kurt. “This type of exerciser likes a challenge, and that challenge may simply be to slow down – to do a 5km run at a slower pace in a set time.”
The age defier
You're getting older, but you don't want to feel it. You know exercise is your best defence against a range of age-related diseases, from cardiovascular disease and diabetes to osteoporosis and even dementia.
Best for you: Try HIIT (high intensity interval training). Research suggests it’s especially effective at slowing, and possibly even reversing, the ageing of cells. If walking is more your style, try fartlek (Swedish for ‘speed play’), suggests Kurt. Fartlek combines moderately paced exercise with bursts of high-intensity activity. “When you’re out walking, start up a jog at every third power pole, or pick up the pace walking up hill.”
The weekend warrior
So you’re not the type to hit the gym before work, that’s ok. Research suggests you can still achieve big gains by packing a couple of robust workouts into your weekend.
Best for you: You’re pretty happy to try any form of exercise. A big session at the gym or a full-on game of footy will cut it, but not a casual afternoon at croquet. Build incidental exercise into your weekdays, too. Beth says, “Take the stairs instead of the lift, park the car an extra five minutes away from your destination, change your workstation so you’re standing for some of your day. It all adds up.”
Healthier with support
You can trust HCF to help you be your healthiest self, that’s why we offer The COACH Program®. Delivered by qualified health professionals, this telephone support program is provided by health coaches, at no extra cost for eligible members* with heart conditions or diabetes.
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* To be eligible, members must have a heart-related condition or diabetes and must have had hospital cover that includes heart conditions and vascular system for at least 12 months. Excludes Ambulance Only, Accident Only Basic cover and Overseas Visitors Health Cover. Clinical eligibility applies.
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