HCF has updated its Terms and Conditions for HCF Recognised Providers of Extras Services. These changes apply to all HCF Recognised Providers and take effect from 1 September 2023. Please make sure you review the updated Terms and Conditions carefully, please email us if you have any questions

HCF members can only claim benefits for services given by recognised providers. To be recognised, providers must meet our recognition criteria. Our recognition criteria include meeting requirements of the Private Health Insurance (Accreditation) Rule 2011 and our Terms and Conditions for HCF Recognised Providers of Extras Services.

Natural therapists including Chinese Medicine practitioners are also required to meet minimum training and qualification standards and belong to a professional association that meets our requirements. Meeting our recognition requirements does not automatically confer HCF recognition.

Natural Therapists

To check our recognition requirements, please click on your profession above. To apply for HCF recognition or to update your details, please advise your professional association who provide their members’ details directly to us.

Allied health professionals

  • Audiology
  • Dental   

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Optical Dispenser
  • Pedorthist
  • Psychology
  • Chiropractor
  • Dietetics   

  • Osteopathy

  • Orthoptist

  • Physiotherapy   
  • Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
  • Counsellor
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Optometry

  • Orthotist-Prosthetist
  • Podiatry
  • Speech Therapy

Dental providers
If you’re a More for Teeth dental provider, BookNow lets you display your booking availability across 2 leading health platforms:

1. HCF’s website and app
Used by over 500,000 HCF members looking to book a dentist every year.

2. HealthShare.com.au
Used by over 10 million people every year searching for health care providers.

For more information, see HealthShare Dental.

Health Management program providers
Some HCF’s extras products pay benefits towards health management programs, HCF members with eligible extras cover can claim for gym fees and exercise classes to address a health condition. Allied health providers can help their patients claim for these by completing the Exercise and Gym Benefits Authorisation and Claim Form. Providers of health management programs such as weight management, childbirth education, lactation consultations, stress management, learn to swim must be recognised by HCF.

Supplier of orthopaedic goods such as surgical shoes or foot orthotics
If you are a supplier of orthopaedic shoes, medical grade footwear or foot orthotics, please refer to our supplier of claimable goods application form and fact sheets under Useful Downloads.

To apply for HCF recognition, please download this provider recognition form. If you are already an HCF recognised provider email us to update your details. .